Monday, February 16, 2009

Eye Doctore Experience

Lately I have been getting some headaches and my eyes would get a bit blurry on occasion. I went to the eye doctor and he does all his tests. The last one was the Glaucoma test. So, for this test, they make you really unable to see! He put these terrible drops in my eyes that stung and then told me to go look at the glasses for 15 minutes. The more I look, the more blurry my eyes get. He does the test and then tells me to put on sunglasses and drive home.

Not sure that is a great idea to tell people! I could see the cars but can't say that I saw the lane lines. Luckily the eye doctor was a block from my house. Then I got a text message that I couldn't read and was supposed to call a friend to come over and I couldn't see her number to call her!

It seems that going to the eye doctor to see better was a bad idea!!! Note to self, have someone drive you home after the tests! Sorry if any words are misspelled, I can't really see them well.

By the way, the doctor informed me that many peoples eyes are greatly affected by pregnancy and can change again after they have a baby. So, if you are pregnant or recently had a baby, be sure to get your eyes rechecked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh girl! Sorta made me laugh...but yes I've had the same experience and the Dr. was a block away as well-good thing!

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